Corporate America’s Response to Workplace Diversity – KNBC 4-Today In LA (April 27, 2021)
On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, Angela Reddock-Wright, legal commentator, employment and labor law attorney, mediator, arbitrator and investigator, joined Today In LA-KNBC-4 morning news anchor Adrian Arambulo in discussing the new One Ten Project corporate America’s response to issues of diversity in the workplace, stemming from a year of the COVID-19 pandemic and a year of racial unrest. Reddock-Wright provided an overview of the steps employers are taking and provided guidance to employees who are looking to find work and to grow in their careers in these unprecedented times. Reddock-Wright encouraged employees to be prepared, to engage and be a part of the solution, and to mentor and bring others behind them. Check out the discussion here.… Read More